Incorporation of Hot Stone in treatments of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, Lumbago, Lumbalgia, Sciatic Neuralgia, knee, elbow, ankle and shoulder disorders, rotator cuff syndrome and others is proven to be a very beneficial modality for achieving rapid and sustained results. Stones are minerals. For centuries, it has been known that minerals, when accumulating heat, releasing very long waves of heat, and if applied to the human body, stimulate significant healing process. On his instructional medical massage educational video #11 Boris explains and demonstrates in details how to incorporate hot stone massage in the above mentioned treatments.
You can purchase a large set of stones in a variety of sizes in any landscape store spending an average of $5 On his medical massage educational video Boris presents different stone sizes and gives recommendations. The stones can be heated in any hydrocollater or in boiling water and in 35-40 seconds they generate enough heat to be good hot mineral for a treatment. To perform soft tissue mobilization by incorporating hot stone, not only contribute significantly to results but also makes the soft tissue mobilization procedure physically much easier to perform.
Upon purchasing, wash the rocks with soap and dry them. When the stones are dry, spread baby oil all over the rocks. Making sure to note a slight darkening in color when the rocks take up the oil. Enjoy working with hot stones.
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