
For approximately 5000 years, there existed theories that by stimulating particular areas on foot or hands and/or ears one can achieve positive changes in function of organs and systems. This belief is based on the idea that particular areas of feet, hands or ears, when stimulated, somehow correspond to internal organs and systems of human. Until today no scientific data is available supporting this theory. Experts in this field proposed many thousands of reflexology maps, which evidently suggest that reflexology as a method of treatment don't yet have a unified concept. More than 40 years ago, Boris was introduced to one type of reflexology and somehow got convinced that this kind of approach to the limited extent does stimulating positive and can contribute to improvements in cases of neck and upper back painful disorders, knee pains, lower back, tension headaches, as well as in cases of painful spine disorders, internal organ diseases, including pelvic floor disorders. In these clips, Boris proposes hands-on techniques for foot reflexology and offers explanation and his views on the subject.

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