A massage therapist would never know if the case is reversible and treatable, until she tries.

The established, generally acceptable scientific concepts and conclusions, sometimes may not be fully supported by clinical observations and personal experiences. For example, the following is an excerpt from my article:

”If a patient has experienced repetitive mild concussions, he or she starts to develop Post-Concussion Encephalopathy (movement disorders, memory loss, psychiatric behavioral disorders, chronic headaches etc.)”

Why did I specifically emphasized the concussion must be repeatable?  Because I followed generally acceptable scientific concepts and conclusions.

Undoubtedly, repetitive concussions fuel the development of encephalopathies.  However, in my clinical setting, I observed many cases when even a single incident of brain trauma, leads to a significant brain dysfunction.

Also after a brain trauma, brain cells are in the mode that is called “stunned brain,”  “hibernating brain cells,” apoptosis, or “programmed cell death.” All these terms describe the hypometabolic state, when some brain cells go into hibernation to allow other neighboring cells to survive. The main reason for this is an immediate decrease in blood supply to the brain, due to an abrupt increase of cerebral spinal fluid secretions and an increase in intracranial pressure. The purpose of hibernation is a decrease in cellular function to the point when fewer resources of blood supply, such as oxygen, glucose is required for some cell function thus allowing the neighboring cells a chance to survive. Old and good texts, suggest that if during the first nine months, we will not restore adequate cerebral perfusion, to allow hibernated cells/hypometabolic stage, to resurrect to normal function, it would be not reversible degenerative change.

Also after a brain trauma, brain cells are in the mode that is called “stunned brain,”  “hibernating brain cells,” apoptosis, or “programmed cell death.” All these terms describe the hypometabolic state, when some brain cells go into hibernation to allow other neighboring cells to survive. The main reason for this is an immediate decrease in blood supply to the brain, due to an abrupt increase of cerebral spinal fluid secretions and an increase in intracranial pressure. The purpose of hibernation is a decrease in cellular function to the point when fewer resources of blood supply, such as oxygen, glucose is required for some cell function thus allowing the neighboring cells a chance to survive. Old and good texts, suggest that if during the first nine months, we will not restore adequate cerebral perfusion, to allow hibernated cells/hypometabolic stage, to resurrect to normal function, it would be not reversible degenerative change.

I always respected and continue respect all the available, established and reliable scientific data.  However, lately I learned that in the massage field where we have the opportunity to address causes of the problems directly, one will never know whether the clinical case is reversible or not, until she tries.

Most of my career, I declined treating patients who have developed diabetic neuropathies, because in school I was told, that the moment patient developing acute symptoms, pins and needles like pain, nerves degenerate, and this is not reversible.

To patients who referred themselves to me, as well as those referred by physicians, I used to say: ”I'm sorry my massage procedure cannot help in cases of diabetic neuropathies.”

Yet, several years ago a cardiologist, who developed diabetic neuropathy, asked me for a treatment.  When I declined seeing him, explaining that my treatment is not working in these cases he told me: ”Your treatment obviously helped to many my patients who have suffered a failure of arterial circulation in their lower extremities, why would you refuse to  treat cases of diabetic neuropathies?”

Rejecting my objection about irreversible nerve damage, he said “Nonsense.  It's not over until it's over! Let's start, please!” Surprisingly, it was a success.

Today, I'm not declining to treat diabetic neuropathies, and in most cases the treatment brings good results. Surely, it requires more treatments than other cases (at least 15 treatments and then are few more treatments after two weeks break), but it worth it.

It's not over until it's over.

Recently, one of my CE students, referred to me her friend, who 18 months ago, sustained a concussion. Please note, it was eighteen, not nine months ago. She tried many treatments, which didn't work, and practically started to experience the symptoms that could be construed as brain dysfunction, including: sleep disorders, intracranial pressure, memory loss, disorientation and more.

While under my care, she received seven treatments, which resulted in her experiencing unbelievable for her improvements. Of course, they made me very happy too. Hallelujah. I surmise that if we wouldn't increase blood supply to the brain, and, at the time, wouldn't positively affected the autonomic activities, she would end up with a not reversible dementia and more.  I should also comment that it is difficult to say when, in this case, degenerative changes would become irreversible. But if her condition wouldn't be treated appropriately, she would surely end up with a permanent dementia, and other symptoms of permanent encephalopathies.


The science of Medical massage stemmed from general biomedical science. Unlike many other healthcare procedures, massage awakes multiple positive changes in functions of organs and systems, including and not limited to vasodilations, suppression of stress hormones secretion and an increase of anti-inflammatory hormones release into the blood.  Massage could provide a profoundly positive impact of cellular function, and can increase blood circulation up to 60%. I can continue talking about new mitochondria production, and more.

Undeniably power of massage is much greater than any other healthcare procedure. I'm talking about our ability to stimulate a healing process.

HIPPOCRATES, the father of theoretical medicine, once said: ”the nature of human body is such that  must heal illnesses on its own, and we as a doctors must stimulate that natural ability of human body to heal itself.”

Massage possesses a great power to stimulate healing process, therefore it's not over until it's over, and massage therapists would never know if the case is reversible and treatable, unless they try.

Best wishes,


  1. During the last five years, I have had an opportunity to treat many patients, who have sustained concussions.

The link below, is presenting the history of me starting to treat post-concussion patients.

An injustice to Ray Rice

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