Coronavirus is not going anywhere

From the author

Forty years out of my forty-six years of clinical experience I have combined clinical work with teaching Medical and Sports Massage. I always loved it, and sharing my knowledge in massage procedures, is my passion.

However the last 3 months I was craving to teach as I have rediscovered for myself an additional unique and specific power of massage. Each of us, during their career, does something that according to their personal assessment, is the most remarkable work. I consider this article and the upcoming instructional video as the remarkable work in my career.

Having said that, I have a little concern because many reliable people told me, that lately, the very culture of learning changed. Thanks to the Internet and social media, people are not ready to read more than a few sentences.

Although this is probably true for most people, still I think it depends on what a person is trying to learn. Some general information or something else that is not related to massage therapy can make people lose interest. Well, I don’t blame millennials as well as older people. I grew up without the Internet and still, many times once realizing that what I read isn’t the topic of my interest, I stopped reading.

Hopefully, the topic I am teaching will be the topic of your interests, and you will read the materials, and watch carefully my hands-on performances, so that you can learn in detail, and then will implement it on people, who really need your help, need to bring back the quality of their lives. When we decided to provide therapies by means of massage, we took upon ourselves an obligation. Training, the advance of skills, helping us successfully to fulfill mission. Besides the ability to deliver rapid and sustainable results, allow us to build a professional reputation, and to create a successful business. It feels good.

Good luck and best wishes


If we step back from the anxiety around coronavirus and to think rationally, deep down inside each of us knows Covid-19 is not going anywhere. It will stay with us like other seasonal flu. At some point time, we will have immunization shots, as well as therapeutic medications in case if one will get infected.

Being exposed to this infection, and getting sick, we will have medications similar to Tamiflu that we have in cases of influenza A and B, or if we would have a strong immune system, it just will kill this infection and we will acquire natural immunization.

To summarize my introductory, coronavirus goes nowhere.

PS. This writing, including links to related articles. You are welcome to read them. I always read articles starting from conclusions and summaries. It usually indicating whether the topic suits your interest. So I advise you to treat my articles likewise.


This difficult coronavirus period of my life allowed me to rethink our mission, to see the real, much broader picture than I knew before, in regards to the huge role we can play in people’s life. It literally allowed me to experience my personal Eureka moment. After so many years of practicing medical and sports massage, I see my occupation as the most important methodology of treatment in the entire health care field. I mean it. It isn't difficult to defend what I just said.

In any case, my first impulse on the pandemic was to write the article

“Detoxification and immune systems sufficiency”

I recommend reading this article carefully.

Of course, my first reaction in fighting coronavirus was to stimulate the immune system. Great goal, really empowering the immune system. We must know this protocol. Emotional reactions are powerful. Now when I am rethinking all I have written so far, including the realization” Coovid-19 goes nowhere” my question is:” an excessive amount of metabolic waste/toxins accumulations, is it suppressing only the immune system? Can the human body function well when accumulating metabolic waste?

No, it cannot function normally when accumulating excessive metabolic waste. The following articles will be the opportunity to reveal the negative chain of reaction. Including but not limited to metabolic toxins blocking acetylcholine/neurotransmitter, disturbing parasympathetic impulses conductions to internal organs, and following disease developments.

The discounted price on medical massage educational video #5, won't be available anymore. Please consider that at this medical massage educational video, I am presenting hands-on step-by-step acceleration of lymph drainage/detoxification techniques, as well as protocol for bronchial asthma including techniques for bronchial drainage. I have no financial hand in this, just recommend to take advantage.

Then I wrote this article.

Pre-event sports massage against COVID-19

The question that I pose in this article… Is the freeing acetylcholine technique a must-do technique only in cases of coronavirus? Probably we won't be able to provide treatment for people who have been already infected and hospitalized, and whose disease is in progress. Although I'm positive that it would be a very powerful treatment not only at the time of prevention but also at the early stages of the disease, including preventing and suppressing cytokine storms. Soon I will be able to provide not just empty scientific talks but data, and clinical outcomes. We have the right to do our own speculations, and if this speculation is clinically proven and reproduced outcomes numerous times, then this is scientifically and clinically proven facts.

Lately, I provided many treatments not related to pre-event sports massage where I included freeing acetylcholine technique. From what I'm seeing now, (if you wish this is my clinical, scientifically based conclusion) as far as clinical outcomes are concerned, the release of acetylcholine technique must be incorporated in each and every medical and sports massage protocol.

Then I felt like writing this article

Can massage techniques be equated with remedies?

When I'm writing for you guys or when I am teaching classes I am always learning by myself as well, improving understanding and my hands-on skills.

Thinking about my audience, I always feel inspired, inspired as a massage therapist. I hope that I also can inspire you to learn this very simple concept, as well as very easy to perform techniques.

Techniques that never the less have huge power.

Looking forward to seeing you in my future classes. I am inspired.

Best wishes

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