Hi All,
As I have mentioned in the article below, I’ve met a researcher, 64 years old male, who has developed a significant short memory loss. His colleagues, family members, and, of course, he was worried. Yesterday, I have provided him with treatment number 11. It was an unbelievable, obvious improvement! The neurologist administered a cognitive test which also evidenced this excellent improvement. The patient himself reported it as well. Family members as well as colleagues, now seeing a different person. Data such as normalization of autonomic activities, and different blood tests, positively improved. In addition to the usual techniques, I included freeing acetylcholine techniques.
Still, even compared to these successful cases, the improvement of the last case was pretty rapid. In truth, I don’t have sufficient evidence to attribute this rapid improvement to freeing acetylcholine techniques exclusively. While administering the treatments, I also performed acceleration of cerebral spinal fluid drainage techniques and the techniques allowing balance sympathetic and parasympathetic activities. As always fifty percent of the time I spent performing kneading. In addition to the standard post-concussion protocol, I also spent considerable time implementing freeing acetylcholine techniques. All the testing was done before and after the massage procedure. Most likely soon I will have access to data, pertaining to some such cases including the data for this case. I am doing a particular job for this research project and won’t have access to other data, but most likely for the data related to massage procedure.
Of course, I would submit it to Dr. Ross for interpretation. On the other hand, scientists used these techniques in their research and subsequently published a paper in Science Translational Medicine. Mostly these techniques were composed of kneading and the techniques for freeing acetylcholine.
If somebody would ask for references, I would refer people to read that article.
Let’s note that practically all medical doctors read “Science Translational Medicine.” The reputation of this publication is not less than the reputation of the New England Journal of Medicine.
The entire medical community, if it’s something published at these publications, considering and accepting as written in stone.
On February 2nd, 2012 we witnessed a press release, a grand recognitions of massage therapy, recognition of its extreme healing power. Below are the few samples of this release. In reality, however, it was much broader publicized, including TV reports.
Massaging muscles may reduce inflammation, spur mitochondria formation. USA Today (2/2, Vergano) reports in “Science Fair” that according to a study in Science Translational Medicine, “kneading muscles reduces inflammation and spurs cellular energy production.” In the experiments, researchers found that “massaged muscle cells had higher activation of gene pathways that spur mitochondria,” as well as “fewer signs of painful inflammation.” However, “massage didn’t lower levels of lactic acid build-up in muscles often blamed for the ‘burn’ in exercise.”
“Massage also seemed to help cells recover by boosting amounts of another protein called PGC-1alpha, which spurs the production of new mitochondria.” The Times adds that according to researcher Dr. Mark Tarnopolsky, “exercise is the best way to reverse damage caused by common conditions including diabetes, obesity, and aging.”
“subjects were exercised to exhaustion, which took about 70 minutes. One leg was massaged; the other wasn’t. Both were biopsied immediately after the therapy and 2.5 hours later. The massaged leg showed slower production of interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha, both linked to inflammation.”
“the researchers hypothesized that reducing the production of molecules linked to inflammation may be similar to the action mechanisms of aspirin and ibuprofen, both anti-inflammatory drugs.”
“In recent years, a number of studies have shown that remedies for muscle soreness that work by turning down inflammation — things like ice baths or anti-inflammatory medications — may also have a downside. They may also block muscle repair and growth, which depends on inflammation.” However, according to Tarnopolsky, this study suggests that massage may be “an intervention that suppresses the inflammatory response but still allows, and actually enhances the [recovery] response.”
It is valuable data. I’m positive that the same research team soon would come forward with additional and even more significant data. The value of this research is not only in the importance of the obtained data itself but also because it was exposed through publishing in “Science Translational Medicine.”
Because this paper was accepted by and published in Science Translational Medicine, many medical doctors had the opportunity to read it. Should these materials be published by any other publications, excluding the New England Journal of Medicine, it wouldn’t have made such an effect, let alone it might not be taken seriously. Luckily, the materials published at Science Translational Medicine, are perceived as “written in stone.”
This is the nature of acceptance by medical doctors. It has to be published in a certain publication, where the editorial board will protect a publication from weak and not reliable study reports. Science Translational Medicine is one such publishing authority.
Here is the link to the article, I have mentioned at the beginning of this writing.
Soviet scientists developed these techniques by means of research. I can testify on the sufficiency of these techniques when performing pre-event sports massage. BTW, lately, I have incorporated freeing acetylcholine techniques, in many medical massage protocols. They proved to be a powerful addition not only of a pre-event sports massage but also of many different protocols.
If a professor of medicine cared less about references, why I as a clinician should care about it more than he does? I know about the scientific origin of these techniques and protocols because I learned to implement them step-by-step, hands-on.
I would like to extend our clinically oriented discussion.
In over 46 years of my clinical practice, I didn’t have much use for bio-chemistry, which to be honest I buried into oblivion right after the exams for this subject were taken. That’s why I supplicate to the profound knowledge of Dr. Ross in providing a biochemical analysis and interpretation of the experimental data. Being also a clinician, he would disclose these results in the language that the rest of the clinicians could understand.
For us clinicians, massage protocols is a developed product. Of course, we must understand what we are doing with our hands but not on the level of biochemical reactions. We must learn hands-on protocols and be able to use them to perfection. As clinicians, we put science to work and that work has little to do with intellectual demagoguery.
I cannot wait when my instructional video would be ready. In that video, I am providing detailed clinically oriented, theoretical information, but mostly demonstrating hands-on techniques, explaining science-based details from the treatment room.
Data that produced in a research setting is even more significant than the data published in Science Translational Medicine.
One of the scientists from the group who analyzed the research paper published at Science Translational Medicine asked me, why my massage procedure produced so much data of high significance?
I told him that I strictly follow every medical massage protocols, and obey the rules of engagements, such as
I have acquired a lot of experience and perfected the performance of freeing acetylcholine techniques. I think that more precise and more dedicated work produces a difference in the outcome. He teased me that what I describe sounds like hard labor. I retorted that following a step-by-step protocol is actually easy physically and emotionally.
Guys, the craft of massage is in detail. Scientists providing hands-on details, and when we perform massage we should following instructions including every detail by the book. I guarantee, it is much easier than not to follow protocol and omit important details.
Hope soon to see you in one of my classes. Never before I was so motivated to teach as I am motivated now.
Best wishes,
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