Use of massage in case of severe concussion

A person whose testimonial you’ll be acquainted with below attended my treatment sessions seven months ago. It was a well-observed case.

After the first evaluation, it was obvious that he couldn’t make it out of the bed on his own. In addition to acute pain, he demonstrated severe encephalopathy symptoms. His mom was positive, they were going to lose him. Honestly, it looked like his brain was about to shut down.

When I provided the first 15 treatments, my client was feeling good, was symptoms free, including totally restored brain function. According to the recommendation of professor Dembo MD Ph. D., after 15 treatments, a massage therapist should prescribe the two weeks interruption in treatment to his or her client. Then even if the patient will be 100% symptoms free, the therapist must perform another 15 treatments. The reason that interruption and subsequent 15 treatment, entails extended explanation, that is beyond the scope of this article and requires a separate article, which I will attempt to write at some point in time.

However, at that time, after one week of interruption, the patient asked me to resume the treatments, without waiting for another week. He didn’t complain that the symptoms return, but pointed to his intuition as the reason that urged him to reach out to me.

During many years in practice, I learned to take notice of the patient’s intuitions. Thus, I provided him with another 15 treatments. Since then, during the last seven months, every two weeks he comes for maintenance treatments. Giving to the fact, that he is a songwriter, and performer, I believe maintenance treatments, helped him to balance his autonomic activities.

During the last seven months, he produced two albums and performed in numerous concerts. Seeing him succeed and feeling well, made me think, what a privilege it was to be a massage therapist, to be able to help in severe cases, where conventional medicine is practically helpless. You’re welcome to ask questions,

Best wishes.


Let’s call him Alexander.

I got a concussion on St Patricks Day, March 17th, 2018, I was at my friend’s house and was hit in the right side of my forehead by approximately 10-pound plexiglass ball that was suspended from a mechanized wire that was traveling in a circle at around 10 mph at the head level. I immediately went to the ER at UCLA and was diagnosed with a concussion; my CAT scan showed no bleeding in my brain. They gave me a prescription for 600mg ibuprofen and hydrocodone. After that, I stayed home in bed, in the dark, with no screen time and no activity. Looking at screens or any prolonged activity resulted in intense pressure headaches.

Over time, the pain in my head intensified. It became so unbearable that I consulted a neurologist who told me that, based on my symptoms, it sounded like I had a tear in the dura that was causing a cranial spinal fluid leak and that they could do a brain blood patch that had a 75% chance of causing the tear to close and the pain to go away. When in the operating room, where I was scheduled to get the blood patch, I spoke with the doctor and he recommended I do not undergo the treatment and that I’d have better luck waiting it out at home, I returned home but within a few days the pain became so intense that I had to go back to the ER where I was hospitalized. There they did an MRI that showed no brain tear. By this point I was very worried; the pain in my head was incredibly intense. I was hospitalized for five days, trying out a myriad of medications and was ultimately sent home with Valium and Amitriptyline. While the medicine provided some temporary relief, the pain in my head persisted. I spent around four and a half months bedridden and was fearful that I wasn’t going to recover from the chronic severely intense tension headaches.

This was my life, until I had the incredible luck of finding, through my mom’s friend, Boris Prilutsky at the Sports and Medical Massage Center in Burbank. The first time I received treatment from him I had immediate and remarkable relief from the tension in my neck. I started seeing him twice a week and he was brought back more and more each session, and I tapered off the medications. Somehow, Boris’s method of treatment was able to help eliminate the intense symptoms of my diagnosed post-concussion syndrome that I was experiencing every day, without using drugs. I attribute my recovery entirely to his work. I have no idea how I would have survived without him and I am so grateful that I was introduced to him and his practices.

To take advantage of the massage techniques in application to concussion please follow this link.

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