Medical Massage Blog

A contemplation about "Concussion"

By Michael Gaft

I would like to start by saying that I am not a massage therapist or a medical professional and my interest in this matter is rather philosophical than medical.

Diverticulitis and lower back pain

Prior to getting familiar with the case I am about to describe, I highly recommend to read this article.

Specially designed medical massage protocol is the most powerful methodology for management of concussions symptoms and much more.

The mainstream position on concussion treatment states that “rest and time” will provide a sufficient cure.

Is massage therapy, remedy to all diseases?

I was inspired to write this when I came across the article Blood Pressure Reactivity to Psychological Stress Predicts Hypertension in the CARDIA Study conducted research.

Can massage be promoted as detoxification methodology?

Recently I've produced a video "Can massage be promoted as detoxification methodology". In my video I explain there the natural physiology of lymphatic draining and the way how professor Chernikh took advantage of the natural process and developed this methodology.

European Cranio-Sacral Therapy

European Cranio-sacral therapy was developed by Bulgarian scientist Boris Ivanov MD. Ph.D. In 1966 he completed the research on the subject and proposed the concept of the relation between spinal mechanical disturbances and the development of spinal degenerative diseases.

My great five days at WMF Part 3.

It turned out that many of WMF participants followed my FB battles, and approached me to discuss them in person. I was hoping I wouldn't get pulled into needless confrontations and become a target of unprofessional actions.

My great five days at WMF. Part 2

Before continuing to share my experiences at WMF, I would like to thank Cindy and Mike Hinkle, Mike Hinkle Junior, Darcy Neibaur and many volunteers for the great organization of this event.

My great five days at WMF. Part 1

Recently I come back from 2014 WMF. It was my second time. The first time it was at 2013 Long Beach California, where I was honored by being inducted to the Hall of Fame. Still I got the feeling of open and friendly atmosphere; free of politics of a professional convention.

The Prilutsky's Method of silicone jar massage. How it was developed...

Dear friends,

For last 40 years I am practicing and teaching medical and sports massage protocols. Protocols that where developed by scientists for us to learn.

Patient Reported outcomes: Too much of a good thing.

Stretching is a good thing. It seems. Yet it all depends.

Several months ago I've gotten a call from a student of mine who is a DPT now. She asked me to take on a peculiar and difficult case of rotator cuff syndrome.

Increasing unwillingness to bear even small pains

Running across this article "Prescription drug abuse surged 400 percent in past decade" I was amazed how resonant this topic was with my own thoughts; those that I was mulling over for a while and that were troubling me.

Patients reported outcome: Not all cases of sciatica are alike.

Six weeks ago I received a 48 years old woman who suffered from sharp pain in lower back, buttocks area, including a high intensity irradiation pain to right lower extremity for the last seven months.

The role of coffee grounds in cellulite reduction.

Recently I had the most peculiar clinical experience that left me with a big question. A familiar dermatologist referred to me as a client for cellulite reduction massage. The main focus of my practice is painful pathologies and orthopedic massage.

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