Medical Massage Blog

With technological developments of testing equipment, we are getting a more scientific explanation on what we are doing.

During my career as an educator, I always used to repeat to my students: ”we are teaching you the science-based massage therapy. You will be trained how to perform massage techniques, appropriate sequences of massage techniques specifically designed for different massage protocols.

A massage therapist would never know if the case is reversible and treatable, until she tries.

The established, generally acceptable scientific concepts and conclusions, sometimes may not be fully supported by clinical observations and personal experiences. For example, the following is an excerpt from my article.

If NFL uses it, must it be good?

4 weeks ago, I received a concussion patient, in what turned out to be a difficult clinical case, including insomnia, headache/head pressure, disorientation, memory disturbances and more.

Pseudo- science VS. real clinical phenomena.

Usually, symptoms of painful skeletal muscular disorders, including to limited range of motion, are the results of tensions buildups within muscles and/or fascia/ connective tissue. Very often, in addition to tensions within fascia and/or muscles, trigger points would be developed.

Must blow to the head happen in order to cause concussion/brain trauma?

In most of the concussion-related literature, a concussion is viewed as the result of a blow to the head. This, generally, is the accepted way of thinking within the medical community, and especially within the fields of neurology.

“Never play football?” I respectfully disagree.

My partner forwarded to me the link to the article featuring the interview with Bo Jackson. You'll find it below, where Bo Jackson shares a startling hindsight that he: “I would have never played football. Never. I wish I had known about all of those head injuries, but no one knew that. And the people that did know that, they wouldn’t tell anybody.

Plans for 2017

This year I'm planning to teach a considerable amount of workshops. The topic of these workshops will be ”The rehabilitation from concussions and the prevention of developments of brain dysfunction.

Medical massage VS. bronchial asthma ???

Recently I have received an FB message “medical massage VS. bronchial asthma ???”

Short and to the point. Isn't it? LOL. Yes, indeed. There is a significant room for a medical massage when managing bronchial asthma.

I'll do my best, but everything could happen

The last Thursday I had an opportunity to engage in a private conversation with one of the prominent neurologists, a professor of neurology at the local medical school.

An injustice to Ray Rice

In 1973 I received training performing medical massage protocol for rehabilitation from post-concussion brain dysfunction. During my long career, I wasn’t aware that the implementation of this protocol is such a necessity.

Post-Concussion Patient Testimonial

Below is a testimonial of my patient. For confidentiality purposes, let's call him Paul and let's call a referring neurologist Dr. Smith. By the way, in November this neurologist planned to do a presentation of this case at a big neurological forum. I will keep you updated.

A very interesting observation on post-concussion patient

Approximately 50 days ago I received a post-concussion patient who was 56 years old male. He experienced a severe concussion, lost conscious, paramedics brought him to ER and was hospitalized for five days, demonstrating classical symptoms of a severe concussion.

Out of scope of practice or just politics Part 2

As I explained in the previous blog, when massage Magazine removed my article, without allowing me to reply to those complaints, my partner wrote Karen Manahan editor in chief an emotional personal e-mail. The text is below.

Out of scope of practice or just politics Part 3

As explained in Part 1 and Part 2 of this blog the science of Soviet Medical Massage was originally developed by Professor Anatoli Sherbak in the nineteen-thirties as well as my Dr.Serazini, who was internationally recognized as a father of modern sports massage. In the nineteen fifties, these developments were expanded by German scientists Drs. Glezer and Dalicho.

Out of scope of practice or just politics?

As you may know, some time ago due to complaints Massage Magazine requested, to remove my article Specially designed medical massage protocol is the most powerful methodology for management of concussions symptoms and much more.

A contemplation about "Concussion"

By Michael Gaft

I would like to start by saying that I am not a massage therapist or a medical professional and my interest in this matter is rather philosophical than medical.

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