Medical Massage Blog

A professor of medicine didn't ask for references

A few days after I published the article “Can massage techniques be equated with remedies?”, I receive a call from a cardiologist, whom I already knew for some time. He asked me if he can forward the link to my article to a friend of his who is a professor of medicine, double board-certified cardiologists, Ph.D., at one of the local medical schools.

What do we know about COVID-19?

I'm not an infectious diseases specialist, and wouldn't waste your time, offering the analysis on “What do we know about COVID 19”.

In this article, I am going to discuss the devastating effect of these pandemics on our society, and the fear that leading US infection disease experts and agencies subjected the society at large.

Can massage techniques be equated with remedies?

Based on my experiences practicing medical and sports massage for many years, I can say with conviction that, although massage techniques cannot be equated to remedies, in certain cases it is possible to discover or rediscover additional healing power that the use of massage techniques can entail.

Pre-event sports massage against COVID-19

People, who follow my articles and posts know that I am a big believer in professional discussions, and am not afraid of being challenged and support my opinion in a mutually respectful back and forth argument. Everyone can learn from this type of professional discussion: those who post, those who disagree, and those who are just following the discussion.

The role of biomedical science in the field of massage therapy

The recent article By Dr. Ross Turchaninov, MD “NEW SCIENTIFIC DATA TO REVISIT ACTIVE TRIGGER POINTS CONCEPT “inspired me to write this commentary.

Detoxification and immune systems sufficiency

The material presented here is partially from my article, first was published at 42 MASSAGE & BODYWORK • JUNE/JULY 2006

Remembering about the uniqueness of massage therapy

Hello friends!

I am of the opinion that massage therapists must remember about the great uniqueness of massage therapy when treating any disorders or dysfunctions.
Recently, a person from our fields, a friend of mine, posted this article on his site.

Do you possess enough expertise and experience to break my fascia?

Below is my blog about this bizarre request “to break fascia.” In this blog, I am not only presenting this case, but also explaining fascia/muscles relations, pathophysiology, and much more. In addition, I am providing information about the historical developer of this methodology. It’s a fascinating story.

There might be personal benefits in sincere and active compassion

Like most people, forced by courante for inactivity, I was racking my brain on ways to be productive and if possible help to other people in that difficult time.

The uniqueness of massage therapy

Hello Friends,

"Five years ago or so, I received a call from a patient. Her first question was: “Do you possess enough expertise and experience to break my fascia?” ???? Jokingly I answered: “I’m in the business of repairing, and not breaking.”

Boosting the immune system made simple

Dear friends,

It just crossed my mind that now because of the global tragedy it is appropriate to talk about the most powerful methodology in our toolbox that allows boosting the immune system. This is a methodology of detoxification and manual acceleration of lymphatic drainage. There is no other clinically proven scientifically based methodology, capable of competing with it.

Managing stress on your own

To all my dear friends,

I hope that you and your close ones are safe and healthy.

It’s a tough time. The time of much worry, anxiety, and stress. We cannot avoid stress. Rather if we manage it properly, we can avoid its detrimental consequences on our immune system and health in general.

Special Price of Today

Fascia mobilization is an important massage modality. Unless a therapist releases tension in fascia it is impossible to achieve results. To find out why this is important on the physiological level.

Physiological bases of fascia release and mobilization

Fascia surrounds each muscle, hosts pathways for nerves and blood vessels, participates in a nutritional supply and gas exchange and provides support for muscles when they are under a significant load. For example, when a biceps constricts, flexes forearm or lifts weight, fascia supports biceps action by sharing the load.

The case of “Breaking my fascia”

Five years ago or so, I received a call from a patient referred by MD. Her first question was: “Do you possess enough expertise and experience to break my fascia?” 

Historical overview of fascia release mobilization

The works of Austrian physical therapist Elizabeth Dickle made known to the scientific community the importance of tension build-up in the connective tissue/fascia and its impact on chronic somatic and visceral abnormalities.

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